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This week has been one of the most confusing of the semester. We started the week out learning about return on investment and how to install conversion tracking on our websites and finished up the week by discussing how to optimize our ads. The most important thing I learned this week is the importance of asking for help and listening to others feedback.

Our first assignment this week was to learn how to generate the code snippet for conversion tracking on our website and install it. I couldn’t find where to put the code on my site and didn’t understand even after I talked to customer support so I just got a plugin to do the work for me. After I did that I posted about it on the discussion board and a lot of my classmates knew how to add code to a WordPress site and were generous in helping me.

The second assignment this week taught us how to interpret the data we were getting from running our ads. This is the first assignment that I was confused about but after discussing it with my peers I have a better understanding of what the numbers mean and how I can use the information to improve my ads.